Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property: Complete Guide

Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property

Last updated on January 19th, 2024 at 09:34 am

Capital gains tax is mandatory on real estate investment property. Because all the real state-registered businesses pay this tax, some people think about How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property, so today we will discuss it in detail in this article.The profit (also known as the capital gain) made from the sale of an investment or asset is subject to capital gains tax.

The tax deduction is the amount left over after the sale price of an asset is subtracted from the item’s original purchase price (tax basis) and all other costs.

How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property?

Residential real estate is included in the category of taxable real estate. The IRS must be informed of any profit made from the sale of a residence. Any necessary payment is computed and included in your tax return for the year you sold the property.

Profits from large-ticket things, like a home (the greatest single asset many individuals will ever own), are subject to a capital gains tax, which, while its rates are normally lower than ordinary income tax rates, can nevertheless pile up.

In the previous article of our blog New York Universities, we told you about the calculation of dilution factor. Similarly, in this article we will tell you How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property so let’s start. Before starting, many more questions about Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property remain in people’s minds. Today we will cover all those questions in this article. We have given some of these questions below.

Covered Topics.

  • What is capital gains tax in USA?
  • How do capital gains taxes work?
  • How is capital gains tax on real estate calculated?
  • How to avoid capital gains tax on real estate investment property?
  • When do I have to pay capital gains tax on real estate investment property?
  • What Factors sellers must keep in mind of Capital gains tax on sale of property
  • What is the capital gains tax on property sales?
  • Do you pay state taxes on capital gains?
  • When Is a Home Sale Fully Taxable?

What is capital gains tax in USA?

In the United States, the capital gains tax is determined by considering the extent of your gains, your federal income tax bracket, and the duration for which you have retained ownership of the respective asset. Calculating the capital gains requires knowledge of your basis, which is the initial amount you paid for the asset.

The capital gains tax is thus influenced by factors such as the increase in the asset’s value, your income tax bracket, and the period of ownership.

(( Information was collected with the help of the SmartAsset website. Visit their website for detailed information ))

How do capital gains taxes work?

Capital gains taxes refer to the taxes imposed on the profits realized from the sale of assets, such as stocks or real estate. The computation of these taxes involves considering two key factors: the holding term of the asset and the taxpayer’s income level.


  1. Holding Term:
    • Short-term Capital Gains: If the asset is held for one year or less, it falls into the category of short-term capital gains. In such cases, the tax is calculated based on the taxpayer’s ordinary income tax rate. For instance, if an individual sells stocks within six months, making a $5,000 profit, and their ordinary income tax rate is 25%, the short-term capital gains tax owed would be $1,250.
    • Long-term Capital Gains: Assets held for more than one year are classified as long-term capital gains. The tax rates for long-term capital gains are often more favorable than those for short-term gains. For example, if someone holds real estate for three years, realizes a $20,000 profit, and qualifies for a long-term capital gains tax rate of 15%, the tax owed would be $3,000.
  2. Income Level:
    • The taxpayer’s income level plays a significant role in determining the capital gains tax rate. Higher-income individuals might face higher tax rates on their capital gains.
      • Example: Consider a taxpayer with a substantial income who sells an investment property, resulting in a $100,000 capital gain. If their income level subjects them to a higher long-term capital gains tax rate of 20%, the tax liability would be $20,000.

(( The information provided is based on data obtained from the Investopedia website ))

How is capital gains tax on real estate calculated?

To determine a capital gain, subtract the selling price from the original purchase price of the item or property. Let’s break down the question, “How does capital gains tax work?” into its parts.

The Four-Step Method for Determining Capital Gains is given in the table:

Step1Find your footingThis includes the purchase price and any applicable fees or commissions. Stock dividends that are re-invested also add to a person’s basis.
Step2Find out how much money you madeThis is the net proceeds from the sale after all expenses have been deducted.
Step3DeductionsDeduce the net profit by subtracting the basis (what you paid) from the realized amount (what you received).
Step4Check tax rateIf you want to know if a higher or lower tax rate applies to your capital gains, read the explanations below.

How to avoid capital gains tax on real estate investment property?

Profits from selling a rental property might be substantial, but so can the associated tax liability. The good news is that landlords have several alternatives to minimize or eliminate their tax liability upon selling their rental property.

I can provide you with some general information which is best in 2024 on how to potentially avoid or minimize capital gains tax on a real estate investment property in New York.

  1. 1031 Exchange: The IRS allows for a tax-deferred exchange under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. This process allows you to sell your investment property and reinvest the proceeds into a like-kind property within a specific timeframe.
  2. Opportunity Zones: Opportunity Zones are designated economically distressed areas where investments can receive certain tax benefits. If you invest capital gains from a real estate sale into an Opportunity Zone fund, you may be eligible for a reduction, or elimination of capital gains taxes.
  3. Primary Residence Exclusion: If the property you are selling is your primary residence, you may be eligible for the primary residence exclusion. This allows you to exclude a portion of the capital gains from taxation. However, certain criteria must be met, such as owning and occupying the property for a specific period.
  4. Installment Sale: Another strategy to potentially defer capital gains tax is to structure the sale as an installment sale.

The above-mentioned are some of the ways by which you can avoid capital gains tax on your real estate investment property, apart from this there are many other things that we will discuss in detail further.

Other methods.

Given below are the three most commonly used methods to avoid capital gains tax on real estate investment property in January 2024. In these three ways, you can save a significant portion of your capital gains tax.

Tax harvesting

Education on avoiding capital gains tax on real estate investment property is crucial. Learn about strategies like 1031 Exchange, Opportunity Zones, and more to optimize your investment. Discover how tax loss harvesting in stock can reduce your taxable gain from selling rental property.

Seller Carryback

Cash flow from a rental property is sometimes put towards the mortgage on a property an investor plans to hold for the long term. Another approach to lowering your capital gains tax is through a seller carryback if you own your rental property outright or have a very small mortgage balance.

By extending seller financing, you can reduce the amount of each monthly payment subject to capital gains tax. You can also earn interest on your money, which is always a plus. The downside is that you won’t have the rental income for other investments.

Primary Residence

Converting a rental home into a primary residence also helps reduce capital gains when selling a property. You can sell your primary residence tax-free for up to $500,000 in capital gains every two years if you’re married or $250,000 if you’re single.

To minimize capital gains tax, you can live in the home for at least two years before selling it as your primary residence, but doing so requires careful planning. It’s possible that out-of-town real estate investors won’t uproot their businesses if they can take advantage of the tax benefits of a 1031 exchange instead.

When do I have to pay capital gains tax on real estate investment property?

Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property
Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property

The obligation to pay capital gains tax on real estate investment property arises when the property is sold within 24 months from its purchase, thereby incurring Short Term Capital Gains (STCG) tax. To avoid this tax, it is advisable to sell the property after the completion of the 24 months.

What Factors sellers must keep in mind of Capital gains tax on sale of property?

  • Investing in a housing project that has hit a snag and the developer cannot provide possession does not exclude you from claiming exemptions under various tax code provisions.
  • The gain from the sale will be categorized as either a short-term or long-term capital gain (STCG or LTCG) for tax purposes. The exemptions provided for in Section 54 and Section 54EC will also be in effect.
  • State authorities may set a minimum value below which a property cannot be registered. The property would still be registered at the bare minimum required by law regardless of the price you agreed to sell it for. The sub-registrar’s office will determine the tax due based on the property’s assessed value.
  • If the sale proceeds cannot be used to purchase another property or re-invest in certain bonds, the remaining amount should be deposited into the Capital Gains Account Scheme. In this manner, you can continue to qualify for tax breaks.

What is the capital gains tax on property sales?

The capital gains tax on property sales is computed at a rate of 20% for long-term capital gains. For instance, if there is a net capital gain of Rs 80,00,000 from the sale of a house property, the total tax liability would be Rs.16,00,000. Property sellers need to be aware of these tax implications and plan accordingly for a comprehensive understanding of their financial obligations. Seeking professional advice can further assist in optimizing tax outcomes.

Do you pay state taxes on capital gains?

Capital gains are subject to federal and state taxation, with a few exceptions. While most states will tax your investment income at the same rate as your wage income, others will treat it differently (and some will not).

Only eight states, including Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming, do not impose a state income tax. Another state that doesn’t tax wages is New Hampshire, which does tax dividends and other forms of investment income.

Long-term capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than regular income in nine states that impose an income tax. This group comprises Arizona, Hawaii, Arkansas, New Mexico, Montana, South Carolina, North Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin, and the other nine states. Various factors, including deductions and credits, may lower the effective tax rate on capital gains.

Capital gains tax exemptions may be limited to investments made within the state or apply solely to certain types of businesses in other states.

When Is a Home Sale Fully Taxable?

When Is a Home Sale Fully Taxable
When Is a Home Sale Fully Taxable

The capital gains exclusions are not available to everyone. When certain conditions apply, 100% of the profits from the sale of your home are taxable:

  • If the home was not the seller’s primary residence
  • If the property was not bought through a 1031 exchange (discussed further below), any profit from the home sale would be subject to taxation.
  • Expat taxes may apply to the seller.
  • The seller did not use the property as their primary residence for at least two of the five years before the transaction (with certain exceptions).
  • The seller has used the capital gains exclusion to sell another house that occurred within the preceding two years.


Capital gains taxes may reduce profits from investments if you’ve held the assets for less than a year. Investors in stocks, bonds, and other assets are in luck since they have various options for mitigating or evading capital gains tax. Talk to a financial planner or tax expert about your present circumstances and the choices you’re considering before taking any action.


In the United States, capital gains realised in a short period are taxed at the same rate as regular income.

There is no U.S. capital gains tax on nonresident immigrants, but they may still have to pay such a tax in their home country. Capital gains taxes apply to nonresident aliens in the United States for more than 183 days.

Thanks for your visit.

( Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Real Estate Investment Property )

Disclaimer: Our article talks about capital gains tax and ways to avoid it. However, if someone wants to take any steps after reading our article, it’s important to seek advice from an expert first, as information may change, and external sources are regularly updated.

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