What is a perfect score on the ACT: Updated for 2024

What is a perfect score on the ACT

Last updated on February 9th, 2024 at 06:15 pm

The journey to higher education often involves standardized testing, and the ACT is a pivotal player in this arena. Understanding what is a perfect score on the ACT is crucial for students aspiring to make their mark in college admissions. This article delves into the intricacies of ACT scoring, shedding light on the elusive perfect score of 36 and its significance. Exploring how the ACT is scored, what an average score entails, and the specific expectations of top-tier institutions.

What is a perfect score on the ACT?

If we talk about perfect ACT scores, then you should know that all the universities in the US have different acceptance rates. Different ACT scores are accepted at these universities. Therefore, it depends on which university you want to take admission in, and what will be the perfect ACT score for that university.
Some time ago, we told you how to find ACT score without ACT ID. There we also told many ways to get a good ACT score. Because if you want to get admission to a good university then your ACT score should be very good. Today we will talk about different ACT scores of some different universities below. We will discuss in detail what the perfect ACT score would be for you in 2024 and also answer other questions related to it. Out of which we have given some important questions below.

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How is the ACT Scored?

Many points have to be kept in mind while calculating ACT scores. And ACT score is calculated by following many steps. Below we have given some points following which the ACT score is prepared.

  • Counting Correct Answers:
    • Tally the number of questions answered correctly on each test.
  • No Penalty for Incorrect Answers:
    • No points were deducted for incorrect answers, encouraging guessing without fear of penalty.
  • Conversion to “Scale Scores”:
    • Raw scores, reflecting correct answers, are converted into “scale scores.”
  • Consistent Meaning Across Test Forms:
    • Scale scores maintain a uniform meaning across different ACT test forms.
  • Composite Score Calculation:
    • A composite score, averaging English, mathematics, reading, and science scores, ranges from 1 to 36.
  • Rounding Composite Scores:
    • Composite scores are rounded to the nearest whole number.
    • Fractions less than one-half are rounded down, and fractions one-half or more are rounded up.
  • Reporting Categories:
    • Detail total questions, correct answers, and percentage of correct responses for each category.
  • Alignment with Standards:
    • ACT reporting categories align with College and Career Readiness Standards, emphasizing relevance to benchmarks.

(( The information gathered has been sourced from the official ACT website, act.org. ))

What is the Average ACT Score in the US?

As you may know, an ACT score above 30 is considered good, while a score below 15 is deemed less favorable. Students in the United States attain various ACT scores, but when looking at the average, it comes out to be 19.5.

What is a Perfect Score on the ACT?

If a student has achieved a score of 30 or higher on the ACT, it is considered a perfect ACT score. However, it’s crucial to always remember that before seeking admission to any university in the US, one should check its acceptance rate.

Knowing the average ACT score of students admitted to that university will provide valuable information. This knowledge, obtained before taking the ACT exam, ensures that you prepare adequately and aim for a score that aligns with the admission standards of your desired institution.

What is a perfect score on the ACT?

perfect score on the ACT for Harvard
perfect score on the ACT for Harvard

What is a Good ACT Score for Harvard?

When comparing Harvard College to Howard University, they may seem similar, but when it comes to ACT scores and acceptance rates, the difference between them is like night and day. While Harvard College has an extremely low acceptance rate, Howard University’s acceptance rate is a higher one. Admission to Harvard College is much more challenging compared to Howard University.

As you may already know, the lower the acceptance rate of a university, the higher the ACT score required for admission. In the case of Harvard College, with its mere 3% acceptance rate, a good ACT score is considered to be between 30 and 36. This stringent criterion reflects the competitive nature of admissions at Harvard College, making it essential for applicants to strive for top-tier ACT scores to increase their chances of acceptance.

This is especially pertinent considering that Harvard College has recently announced that it will allow applicants for the Classes of ’27, ’28, ’29, and ’30 to apply for admission without requiring SAT scores or ACT scores.

(( Reference: The information has been sourced directly from the official website of Harvard College. For further details, you may visit the website ))

What is a Good ACT Score for Scholarships?

Scholarship criteria vary across different universities and colleges, with each institution considering different ACT scores for awarding scholarships. However, it’s essential to note that scholarships are typically granted to students who excel academically. Based on our research, students with an ACT score of 28 or higher are often eligible for scholarships.

In some special cases, individuals with exceptional achievements or talents may also qualify for scholarships, even if their ACT scores are slightly lower. It’s crucial to check the specific requirements of each scholarship program and understand that academic performance remains a key factor in eligibility.

What is a Good ACT Score for the Ivy League?

For admission to Ivy League colleges, where competition is exceptionally fierce, having a top-ranking ACT score is crucial. Among the eight Ivy League colleges available, two Ivy League colleges are located in New York. These institutions attract a large number of applicants, intensifying the competition for admission. Due to high demand, admission to Ivy League colleges is primarily granted to students who score 33 or higher on the ACT.

These top-performing students receive priority admission. In cases where the competition is less stringent, a score of 32 or higher on the ACT may also secure admission to these Ivy League colleges. Therefore, achieving a high ACT score significantly enhances the chances of gaining admission to these prestigious institutions.

What is a good act score for sophomores?

The average ACT score for sophomores has been determined to be 18 points, according to research findings. Achieving a score above this average is considered excellent for a 10th-grader. In percentile terms, scoring a 24 would position you higher than over 75 percent of other sophomore scores.


Understanding the nuances of ACT scores and their significance in university admissions is crucial. Aiming for a score that aligns with the admission standards of the desired institution enhances the chances of success.

Keep in mind the specific requirements of each university, especially those with low acceptance rates, and prepare accordingly. Continuous efforts toward academic excellence will contribute to a competitive edge in the admissions process.


A good ACT score is subjective and depends on your college goals. Generally, scores above 27-32 or higher are considered solid.

No, the ACT does not have a passing or failing score. Colleges set their standards for acceptance.

Yes, you can retake the ACT. Most students take the test more than once to improve their scores.

ACT scores are typically valid for five years.

Thanks for your visit.

(What is a perfect score on the ACT?)

Disclaimer: Before taking any action based on the information provided in this article, it is strongly recommended to seek advice from an expert. The content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional or legal advice. The readers are advised to verify and cross-reference the details with relevant sources and consult experts in the respective field for personalized guidance.

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