You Can Superscore Digital and Paper SAT: Here’s How

Superscore Digital and Paper SAT
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You all must be well aware of the importance of SAT scores for admission in most of the colleges. Do you know that if you have taken the SAT exam two or more times and your total score in each exam is low, then superscoring is a better option for you? Today in this article we will tell you You Can Superscore Digital and Paper SAT. So let’s discuss it in detail.

You Can Superscore Digital and Paper SAT: Here’s How

Some time ago the SAT exam used to be offline but now the SAT exam has become digital. This is the reason why this question has started coming into people’s minds, Can we Superscore Digital and Paper SAT? You should know that the SAT exam is valid in almost all states throughout the United States. Most colleges look at the SAT score before taking admission to graduation.

Many such colleges prepare a superscore by adding the sections whose scores are higher in all the SAT exams given by you. Due to this, your overall SAT score increases from 1300 to 1500 approximately. Which he uses for his admission. So let us tell you how you can superscore digital and paper SAT scores and answer many more questions related to it. Some of which we have written below.

Related Questions.

  • What is Superscoring on the SAT?
  • How does SAT Superscore work?
  • Differences Between Digital and Paper SATs
  • Advantages of superscoring for College Admissions.
  • Can you Superscore digital and paper SAT?
  • How Superscore digital and paper SAT?

What is Superscoring on the SAT?

The final score obtained by adding the scores of the highest sections of two or more SAT examinations is called superscore.

( Note: It is better if you apply for both SAT exams through the same SAT registration number. If you do not know the SAT registration number, then there are many methods by which you can find the SAT registration number. )

Suppose someone took the SAT exam in 2017 and scored 500 in Math and 800 in Reading and Writing, resulting in a total score of 1300. A few years later, in 2023, they took the SAT again and achieved a score of 600 in Reading and Writing and 750 in Math, yielding a total score of 1350. Despite this improvement, their overall score of around 1300 did not meet the admission requirements for many colleges.

However, utilizing Superscore, their combined score became 1550. This was achieved by adding the highest scores from each section across different test dates: the 800 score in Reading and Writing from 2017 and the 750 score in Math from 2023. This concept, known as SAT Superscore, allowed them to meet the admission criteria for a reputable college.

The image provided below illustrates this process in detail, demonstrating how the Superscore is calculated by combining the highest section scores from multiple test dates.

(( Reference: This information was gathered from the official College Board website. For further details, you can visit the website. ))

Superscore Digital and Paper SAT

How does SAT Superscore work?

Just as in ACT superscoring, you get a perfect ACT score by adding the highest scores of different sections of different exams, which makes your admission easier, in the same way, SAT superscoring also works. If you have taken the SAT exam two or more times in the past years, then you can get your super score by adding the scores of different sections of any of those exams and applying to any good university.

Every university has different policies, so before applying for admission, check the superscoring terms and conditions of your university carefully.

Differences Between Digital and Paper SATs:

There is not much difference between the digital SAT exam and the paper SAT exam, but there are some differences between them due to which people prefer the digital SAT exam in 2024.

Below we have tried to explain to you the difference between the paper SAT exam and the digital SAT exam through a table.

AspectPaper SATDigital SAT
Test AdministrationAdministered using traditional paper bookletsAdministered on a computer or tablet
Test FormatAnswer questions on a physical test bookletAnswer questions on a computer screen
Question NavigationFlip pages to navigate between sectionsUse a digital interface for navigation
Test Timing3 hours2 hours 14 minutes
Passages lengthLengthier PassagesShorter Passages

Advantages of Superscoring for College Admissions:

There are many advantages of superscoring for college admission. If we have taken the SAT exam many times, sometimes our math score remains low and sometimes our reading score remains low. So we get confused about how to improve SAT Reading scores. If you have taken the SAT exam many times then it is very difficult for you to take the SAT exam again.

In such a situation, super scoring helps you and a super score is prepared by adding all the sections in which you have got the highest score out of all the SAT exams you have given. Apart from this, we have written below many advantages of superscoring.

  1. Improving Overall Score: By combining the highest section scores from different test dates, superscoring can potentially result in a higher overall SAT score.
  2. Balancing Weaknesses: Students can use superscoring strategically to compensate for lower scores in certain sections by achieving higher scores in others.
  3. Enhancing College Admissions Chances: Superscoring increases the student’s chances of getting admission to a good university. Because after superscoring your SAT score increases. In all the best universities and colleges in the United States, the SAT score is demanded more and superscoring increases the SAT score.
  4. Flexibility in Test-Taking: Superscoring provides flexibility for students to take the SAT multiple times without the pressure of achieving a perfect score in a single sitting.
  5. Maximizing Scholarship Opportunities: Higher SAT scores resulting from superscoring can increase eligibility for merit-based scholarships and financial aid packages offered by colleges and universities.

Can you Superscore Digital and Paper SAT?

Yes, for most schools, you will be able to superscore both the paper and digital SAT. This is particularly significant for US students, as the transition to the digital SAT began in 2024. If you have taken the paper-based SAT previously and are now planning to take the digital SAT, many schools allow superscoring across both formats.

However, it’s advisable to verify with each university you intend to apply to ensure they accept superscoring for both paper and digital SATs. If you do not know your old SAT score, then we have told you many methods to find out your old SAT score in previous articles.

How to Superscore Digital and Paper SAT?

To superscore your SAT, you’ll need to follow a few steps. First, just like with your regular SAT scores, you’ll send your SAT Superscore to the colleges or universities you’re applying to. This means if you’ve taken the SAT multiple times, you’ll submit all your SAT scores to the college.

Once the college receives your scores from all the SAT tests you’ve taken, it’s up to them to calculate your SAT Superscore. They’ll analyze all your section scores from each test you’ve taken and select the highest score from each section to create your Superscore. This combined score will then be used for admissions purposes.

However, it’s important to note that not every college in the United States accepts SAT Superscores. While most colleges do, it’s always a good idea to check with the specific college or university you’re applying to beforehand to ensure they accept SAT Superscores. This way, you can be sure to follow their specific admissions requirements regarding SAT scores.


Understanding how to superscore the SAT, whether digital or paper-based, can significantly impact your college admissions journey. By strategically combining your highest section scores from multiple test dates, you can enhance your overall SAT score and improve your chances of gaining admission to top universities.

Make sure to research the superscoring policies of your preferred colleges and universities and prepare effectively for your SAT exams to maximize your opportunities for academic success.


While many colleges and universities practice superscoring, it's not universal. Some institutions may only consider the highest total score from a single test date. It's crucial to research the admissions policies of each college you're interested in to determine if they practice superscoring.

Many colleges and universities across the United States accept superscored SAT scores. Notable institutions include Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, and Columbia. However, admissions policies vary, so it's essential to check each college's specific requirements.

No, not all colleges superscore the SAT. While many colleges and universities practice superscoring, it's not universal. Some institutions may only consider the highest total score from a single test date.

Thanks for your visit.

(You Can Superscore Digital and Paper SAT: Here’s How.)

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. Readers are advised to verify the superscoring policies of individual colleges and universities before applying. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented here because college superscoring policies may also change with time.

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